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Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

Should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

The basic opposition on these arguments is that gay marriage can destroy the sanctity of marriage and mock the importance of Proposition on Gay MarriageFor the first argument, gay marriage should be legalized because gays have the rights to exercise and acquire liberty, freedom, and equality accorded in the fundamental law of the land and in the absence of damage or injury towards Estimated Reading Time: 14 mins Gay Marriages Argumentative Essay Outline. Introduction. Thesis: Same-sex marriage should be legal because it is a fundamental human right. Body. Paragraph 1: Same-sex marriage provides legal rights protection to same sex couples on such matters as taxes, finances, and health care Gay marriage should be legal because it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Additionally gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt,providing stable homes

Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Essay - Free Argumentative Essays For Students

Please enter the email address that you use to login to TeenInk. com, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. Gay marriage is a very big issue in this country. Some people believe that same-sex couples should have access to the same marriage benefits and public acknowledgement enjoyed by Heterosexual couples while other people believe that gay marriage should be illegal, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay.

In my opinion I believe that gay marriage should be legal for certain reasons. Gay marriage should be legal because it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Additionally gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay stable homes for children who would otherwise be left in foster care, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay. Finally Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality.

Gay marriage can bring financial gain to state and local government, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay.

To begin, there is information that state that same-sex marriage can bring a lot of financial gain to the state and government. According to procon. So gay marriage should be legal because it brings a lot of money to the government. Gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt, providing stable homes for children who would otherwise be left in foster care.

Since same-sex couples can't make kids, they would adopt children should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay are in need of a family instead of them staying in foster care.

According to Procon. Secondly, children who need to be adopted do not choose the sex of their new parents, all they need is two loving parents who would care for them no matter of their gender. The more gay marriage legalized the more children are out of foster care.

Gay marriage is protected by the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality. As a start, we all have the right to should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay whatever we want and we all have the right to love who we want. If a person wants should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay marry somebody who has the same sex as them, then let I believe it should be legal because we all have freedom and equality in this country. According to the website procon.

Opponents of gay marriage feel that it should be illegal because it may lead to more children being raised in same-sex households, should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay, which they claim is not an optimum environment because children need both a mother and father.

First of all, this claim is inaccurate because same-sex couples adopt children who are in need of parents the sex of the parents does not matter to them as long as they got people who loves them According to Procon. The prosecution also argues that marriage is a privilege not a right. This claim should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay false because gay marriage is a civil right. According To procon. Virginia confirmed that marriage is "one of the basic civil rights of man," [60] and same-sex marriages should receive the same protections given to interracial marriages by that ruling.

Sex does not matter, love matters. In conclusion, gay marriage should be legal for several reasons. First, it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Second, it would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt, providing stable homes for children who would otherwise be left in foster care. Finally, gay marriage is protected by the Constitution's commitments to liberty and equality.

On that note, everybody has the right to marry whoever they want. If America is really the place where everybody has their own freedom, and rights, then why marrying who you want is not legal?

Just put yourself in their shoes. They did not choose to be different. They are also people like everyone else. So we should all stand up and help gay people get their rights.

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Libertarian Views on Same-Sex Marriage

, time: 3:21

Argumentative Essay: Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? |

should gay marriage be legal argumentative essay

To make a valid argument concerning the legalization of homosexual marriage, one must consider a few important factors. First, is whether or not the right to marry one that should be granted to everyone regardless of sexual orientation Gay marriage should be legal because it can bring financial gain to state and local government. Additionally gay marriage would make it easier for same-sex couples to adopt,providing stable homes The premise is that gay marriage is immoral and considered a sin in most religions, so it should be banned and marriage should only count between men and women. The argument is that people who are attracted to someone of their same sex has nothing to do with their ability to receive the same basic rights as straight couples

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